IMTAL Europe - International Museum Theatre Alliance
Angela Pfenninger

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Pfenninger, Angela
My name is Angela Pfenninger, I live in the South-West of Germany and am a historical interpreter. I offer concepts, scripting or scenario draft, as well as actual performance of museum theatre. This can be delivered first or third person, costumed and non-costumed to professional standard in German and English. My focus is on interactive formats that involve the audience (second person interpretation), and I also use methods of biographical theatre. The most unusual work I did was probably for art galleries, and wrtiting a museum comic book. On behalf of the Rhineland-Palatinate Museums Association, I also teach short courses on live interpretation, together with a specialist on historical dance & movement and a costume historian. My clients include: Federal Palaces & Gardens Baden-Wuerttemberg / Historical Museum of the Sarre / Castles, Palaces & Antiquities of the Rhineland-Palatinate / Historical Museum of the Palatinate / Saalburg Roman Fortress / Hessenpark Open Air museum / Modern Art Museum Ostwall Dortmund / Past Pleasures Ltd. / Minden City Marketing. As a co-editor of the IMTAL Europe magazine "Insights" (together with Ingo Glückler), I have gained access to best practice examples Europe-wide. My own deep love of history and human stories makes me strive to always go the extra mile - to surprise, delight and inspire the visitor.


Member for
10 years 3 months